Community Guidelines

BEBESEA is a space where all migrants, their families, supporters, migrants’ rights advocates can share stories and resources. We create a safe and supportive community where everyone is able to share stories and their original content freely, and every voice is respected.

This platform has two main functions: a space for story sharing and a resource centre. Anyone can share their stories based on their own experiences, challenges, hopes and visions. You can have discussions with readers and connect with those who share concerns and visions by using the comment column and direct message features. Content that is not original or that is not properly cited will be subject for removal. When using photographs and any other visual materials, please ensure you have copyright permissions, and properly credit the photographer or the creator. If other individuals appear in the photograph, please also ensure you have permissions from them (if the photograph includes children, you must have permissions from their parents or guardians). Images considered to be harmful may be subject to removal. 

BEBESEA members must agree to engage in this platform respectfully with each other. We condemn discrimination, harrasments, attacking, blaming or hatespeech of any kinds, as well as hoax and disinformation. East and Southeast Asia are very diverse regions that consist of a large number of different ethnic, cultural, religious, linguistic groups of different gender, sexual orientations, age and many other backgrounds. We do not tolerate any discriminatory content  on our platform and we encourage users to embrace and celebrate our diversity together. *refrain recruitment of people to religious groups

When posting your contents or commenting, please do recognise that some members have had traumatic experience in the past, and be mindful of the way you express yourself. BEBESEA is committed to protect the privacy and safety of all members. Any contents that reveals personal contact information, location or any other details of other people will be removed. 

We recognise the need of members who wish not to reveal their identity in order to protect themselves, especially those who are based in places where free-speech is not protected or those who have reason to believe that speaking out will put them in risk. They may use aliases or profile images that do not reveal their identity. Please ensure your safety and take measure to protect yourself.

When finding contents and comments that may be disturbing, or breaching this community guideline please let us know by reporting us. 

Materials in the resource centre are posted and managed by the editorial team in order to ensure credibility and quality of information. If you have any contents that should be shared as resources or would like to contribute your own work, please get in touch with us. 

BEBEASE reserves the right to remove or modify content that does not adhere to the above, or that is deemed to be spam, pornographic, or otherwise in violation of our community guideline. 

By joining BEBESEA as a member, you are also part of building our community together. If you see any content that concerns you, or you have ideas how to protect the safety of all members in better ways, please contact us via